Are you looking to make some extra cash by selling your used clothes? You’re not alone, more people than ever want to sell used clothes for cash. In the past few years, the resale market has grown exponentially. Consumers are becoming more conscious of their clothing choices’ environmental impact and are searching for sustainable options for their wardrobes.
There are a few different options, whether you want to sell online or in person. Most online platforms allow users to post their clothes for sale and receive bids from buyers worldwide. The platforms also offer price tracking, inventory management, and shipping options.
In-person selling is a popular option for people who don’t have access to online platforms or want more control over their clothes sales process. Sellers can set up a stall at local flea markets, farmers’ markets, or pop-up shops. They can also sell clothes through online platforms.
Whether you are looking to get rid of some old clothes that you no longer wear or want to make some extra money, these places are a great way to do so. Let’s look at some of the best options for selling used clothes online and in person.
Consignment Stores vs Thrift Stores
There are a few critical differences between consignment stores and thrift stores:
• Consignment stores typically sell higher-end clothing and accessories, while thrift stores sell a mix of high and low-end items.
• Consignment stores typically require you to bring your items to be evaluated before selling them, while thrift stores generally don’t require you to bring anything in.
• Consignment stores usually have a slightly higher price than thrift stores.
Consignment stores are the way to go if you want to sell high-quality clothing at a reasonable cost. On the other hand, thrift stores are the better option if you want to sell thrift store clothing in good condition. With so many options available, there’s a store that appeals to you no matter your type of clothing!
The Best Places to Sell Used Clothes Online
There are a few options for selling used clothes online, but some are better than others. The best option for you will depend on a few factors, such as the type of clothing you have to sell, how much you want to sell it for, and how quickly you want to get rid of it. Here are a few of the best places to sell your used clothes.
Depop is one of the best places to sell used clothes online. The site is easy to use and has a wide variety of users, making it a great place to find buyers for your gently used clothing. Depop also offers excellent protection for sellers, so you can be sure that your transactions will be safe and secure. Overall, Depop is an excellent option for anyone looking to sell their used clothes online.
It is a trendy website with millions of users and is very easy to use. According to The Good Trade, you can list your items for sale quickly, and many buyers are on the site. You can also set your prices and shipping costs. eBay is a great place to sell your used clothes. It is highly reputable, and there are a lot of buyers who are interested in buying used clothes.
Facebook Marketplace
It’s an excellent platform for buyers and sellers to connect, and many people are looking for good deals on clothing. You can list your items for sale, set your prices, and ship your items to buyers. You can also communicate with buyers directly through the Marketplace and make sure you get accurate feedback about your items. Facebook Marketplace is a great way to start selling used clothes online, and it’s one of the most popular platforms.
There are many great places to sell used clothes online, but Poshmark is one of the best. Not only does it have a large and engaged community of users, but it also offers a great platform for sellers to showcase and sell their items. Additionally, Poshmark takes a quite small commission on sales, which makes it a very affordable option for sellers. Poshmark is a great choice for anyone looking to sell used clothes online.
Swap is a great place to sell used clothes online. It is a well-established site with a large community of users, so you’re likely to find buyers for your items. The site offers a variety of features to help you list and sell your clothes, including the ability to create individual listings, set prices, and receive feedback from buyers. Finally, Swap offers a variety of payment options, including PayPal and credit card processing, so that you can get your clothes sold quickly and easily.
ThredUP has a user-friendly website that makes listing and selling your items easy. They also offer competitive prices for both buyers and sellers. Finally, they have an excellent customer service team available 24/7 to help with any questions or issues. It is a great place to sell used clothes online for anyone looking for an easy and convenient way.
Tradesy offers a convenient platform for buyers and sellers to connect, and their fees are very reasonable. They also have an excellent return policy, which is always a plus. They offer various payment options to get the most money for your clothes. If you’re looking for a great place to sell your used clothes, Tradesy is one of the best options out there!
The RealReal
RealReal is one of the best places to sell used clothes online. RealReal is a luxury consignment store, meaning that they specialize in high-end designer items. This makes them a great option if you have used designer clothes that you’re looking to sell. RealReal offers a very high commission rate for their sellers. This means you’ll earn a significant amount for your used clothes sales. They also have a very user-friendly website.
Mercari is one of the best places to sell used clothes online. Mercari does not charge sellers any listing fees. This is a huge benefit for sellers, allowing them to list as many items as they want without worrying about any upfront costs. Additionally, Mercari takes a much smaller commission (less than 10%) than other online clothing sellers, meaning that more sales proceeds go directly to the sellers. Finally, Mercari provides a great user experience for both buyers and sellers.
The Best Places to Sell Used Clothes In Person
There are many places to sell used clothes in person. Pawn shops, consignment stores, and even thrift stores will buy used clothes from people. The best place to sell used clothes in person depends on the type of clothes sold and the amount of money the seller wants. It is crucial to find a store where you are familiar with the type of clothes sold, and the prices offered.
Buffalo Exchange
Buffalo Exchange buys and sells used clothing for both men and women. They have locations across the United States, so finding one near you should not be a problem. They are well-known for their fair prices and excellent customer service. Buffalo Exchange is a great place to sell used clothes if you are looking for quick cash or store credit. They also have a large market of new and used clothing, so you should market for your clothes.
Clothes Mentor
Clothes Mentor accepts a wide range of clothing, including designer brands, so you’re more likely to find a buyer for your clothes. They also offer a higher percentage of the sale price to the seller than most other used clothing stores, which means you can make more money off your clothes. Finally, Clothes Mentor offers various services, including grading and cleaning your clothes, which can help you get the most out of them. If you’re looking to sell used clothes in person, Clothes Mentor is a great option.
Once Upon a Child
When finding the best places to sell used clothes in person, Once Upon a Child is one of the top contenders. According to Once Upon a Child, they specialize in selling gently used children’s clothing, so you can rest assured that your items will be in good hands. The store is clean and organized, and the staff is friendly and helpful. They also offer a great consignment program, so you can make some money while getting your used clothes to someone who can use them.
Plato’s Closet
Plato’s Closet is a chain of used clothing stores specializing in selling gently used name-brand clothing and accessories for teens and young adults. They buy and sell items from current styles and trends to provide cash-strapped fashionistas with an affordable alternative to buying new clothes. They carry a wide range of clothing for both men and women, including brand-name items, and they’re always looking for new and gently used items to add to their inventory.
Style Encore
Style Encore is a fashion resale store chain that buys and sells gently-used women’s clothing, shoes, and accessories. They have locations across the United States and Canada, so you can find one that is convenient for you. Style Encore is a great place to sell used clothes because they pay cash on the spot for items they accept. They also provide a clean, organized space for their customers to sell and shop.
Uptown Cheapskate
Uptown Cheapskate is a chain of upscale resale stores specializing in clothing and accessories for men, women, and children. They buy and sell gently used items from top brands and designers at a fraction of the original retail price. They have locations across the United States. Uptown Cheapskate is a great place to sell your gently used clothing. You can find a store near you at The stores buy various brands and styles, so you’re sure to find a market for your items.
Crossroads Training
Crossroads Training is one of the best places to sell used clothes in person. They offer various services to their customers, including consignment, consignment sales, and consignment auctions. They are great places to sell clothes due to their excellent services and reputation. They also offer a money-back satisfaction guarantee, so you can be sure that you will be happy with your sales results. Crossroads Training offers various options for selling your clothes.
Local Consignment Stores
If you want to get rid of some used clothes and earn a little extra cash, you should check out local consignment stores! These stores are a great place to sell gently used clothing, shoes, and accessories. You can typically earn 50% of the selling price for sold items, so it’s a great way to make some extra money and get rid of old clothes you no longer use.
How to get the most cash for your clothes
There are a few things you can do to make sure you get the most cash for your clothes:
• Do your research. Know the value of your clothes and what similar items are selling for before you start negotiating.
• Be confident. Don’t be afraid to ask for what you want and stand your ground.
• Bring a scale and measuring tape. This will help you determine the size and weight of your clothes, which can affect the price.
• Don’t be afraid to haggle. Sometimes it’s possible to get a lower price if you are willing to negotiate.
If you are looking to make the most money for your clothing, selling them online or in-person is the best option. Several websites offer accessible online selling channels, and many consignments or resale shops accept clothes without hassle. So don’t be afraid to try different methods to get the most cash for your clothes. Just be sure to research each option thoroughly before making a decision.
The best places to sell used clothes online are:
• Depop
• eBay
• Facebook Marketplace
• Poshmark
• Swap
• ThredUP
• Tradesy
• The RealReal
• Mercari
The best places to sell used clothes in person are:
• Buffalo Exchange
• Clothes Mentor
• Once Upon a Child
• Plato’s Closet
• Style Encore
• Uptown Cheapskate
• Crossroads Training
• Local Consignment Stores
There are also many ways to get the most cash for your clothes, whether you sell them online or in person. These tips include doing good research, being confident, carrying your scale and measuring tape to determine the size and weight of your clothes, and lastly, you should never be afraid to haggle. Following these tips and using the recommended places to sell your used clothes will surely get the most cash from your sales.
For more ways to make extra money, check out 22 Easy Ways to Make Money Online.

Rocky Horton
Rocky Horton is a writer, entrepreneur, and investor. He is best known as the founder of AccidentAdvisor and has over 17 years of experience with private equity and real estate investing. Learn more.